Pi Night – “Using a Raspberry Pi” 7pm Thur 20th Feb 2020

The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that can plug into a computer monitor or TV.  You can add a standard keyboard and mouse to get a powerful desktop machine.  At the Makerspace we get together to talk about the Raspberry Pi  and what to do with it on the third Thursday of every month.

Next Meeting:  “Using a Raspberry Pi” – 7pm 20th Feb 2020

Join us at Basigstoke Makerspace for Raspberry Pi night

This January we have planned an evening where we  just get together to discuss things we are individually doing with a Raspberry Pi  or Arduino. You are very welcome if you are a total beginner or even a person who doesn’t know what a Raspberry Pi is, – we will get you started!.  Should you be  an expert (some of us are interested in AI,  IOT, Node-RED and LoraWAN etc.) we are always keen to learn more! Mostly our abilities fall somewhere in the middle so if you drop in you will find a welcoming group of people.


Previous Meeting Dec 2019


Node RED
Node RED

In our December 2019 Meeting the topic was Node RED.     Node RED is a programming tool for graphically connecting hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways.  The tool uses a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using a wide range of nodes each of which can do things like open web sites.  Node Red is rapidly becoming an essential tool in the developing “Internet of Things” domain.

This was a practical evening exploring the tool.  Many members have dabbled with Node Red but no one is an expert.  During this evening we tried a few things out and explored what is possible.  We created a dashboard controlled by a few sliders.  We also touched on using D3.js to visualise data and MQTT networks to obtain it.  An advantage of a Makerspace is that groups of people like us can pool their knowledge for mutual benefit.  Members that have no experience can also get a quick feel about how relevant the subject is for them.

Why not come and join us at Basingstoke makerspace at 7:30 on the third Thursday of each month for Pi Night?  See the sort of things we do in the area of electronics and computing!

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