Nontransative Dice

This set of dice are “nontransative”.  In other words the red one beats the green, the blue one wins against the red and the green one defeats the blue. With this set of dice you can always have a 55% chance of winning.  First get your victim to […]

Resolution Passed

The members have passed the “Extraordinary Resolution” sent out by the Committee on the 10th April 2020.  The resolution changes the wording of the Articles of Association to ensure we are correctly classified as a mutual and not subject to tax.  The detailed explanation of the changes and the […]

CHART Architecture Competition – The Growroom

CHART Architecture Competition The design for The Growroom, an urban farming pavilion that looks into how cities can feed themselves through food-producing architecture, is now open source and available for anyone to use. SPACE10 envision a future in which we grow our own food much more locally. To spark […]

Five minute horse race for children and parents

Full instructions are on inventables –> To save you the effort of drawing the shape onto  card… Print the PDF template, scaled to fill a landscape A4 card . The single A4 piece of card includes templates for four individual horses ( You can colour them […]

Past meeting – Leonardo da Vinci Bridge Applications

On Tuesday, 25th Feb 2020, we had a fascinating talk by John Barrie-Smith about the various applications of Leonardo da Vinci’s design for a bridge. We watch him make a 6m long bridge without nails, bolts, or screws in ten minutes.   The talk also considered other applications of […]