What is happening in our darkroom?

First Use of Darkroom Now our darkroom is working , we are aiming to look at  identical pictures with both a digital camera and a film camera and then develop the film negative in the darkroom. The idea is to create a wet print of an image and […]

Pi Night – “Using a Raspberry Pi” 7pm Thur 20th Feb 2020

The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that can plug into a computer monitor or TV.  You can add a standard keyboard and mouse to get a powerful desktop machine.  At the Makerspace we get together to talk about the Raspberry Pi  and what to do with […]

Board with Tech – 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Wednesday 22nd Jan 2020

Hosted by David H. from The Basingstoke Tech Scene The board game nights  at Basingstoke Makerspace have been going well, so we’re doing another one! The concept is simple, turn up, bring a game if you would like, and we all sit down and have some fun. We can’t promise […]

Recent Tuesday evening – Makerspace soldering workshop..

At the end of January 2020 Basingstoke Makerspace organised an evening to teach soldering skills. The free basic soldering workshop was open for  both members and visitors. It was simple through-hole component soldering on a pre-made circuit board. We had ten free flashing light kits  but some attendees […]

Recent Tuesday: A talk about Amateur Satellites!

Amateur Satellites are becoming more and more impressive. Come along to this fascinating talk and see what technologies amateurs have been able to put in space.