Noticeboard assembled – 12th Feb 2022

Two Steves show off the new noticeboard. If you’ve visited the space recently you may have spotted the new noticeboard outside the space. It is weatherproof and has a slot for inserting notices. It was assembled during the maintenance day on 12th Feb.  Combining efforts from Steve D, […]

Tuesday Talk – 7:00pm 4 May 2021 – Crossrail Update

In Feb 2019 Kevin Roche gave a talk about the Crossrail signalling system.  Crossrail had blamed the signalling system for the delay in opening.  At that time they said it would be opening in late 2019.  Now, two years later, the opening is still about a year away.  […]

Virtual “Tuesday Open Evening”

Basingstoke Makerspace  open evenings  have restarted every Tuesday at 7pm in the Makerspace. Come along to the real or virtual meeting and discuss your projects and ideas. If you would rather not attend  the physical meeting, you can join the same meeting  from home using a virtual meeting […]

AGM – 10 Nov 2020

The third Basingstoke Makerspace AGM will take place on 10 Nov 2020 starting at 7:30pm.  All members are welcome to attend.  The meeting will review the accounts and vote to elect directors.  The schedule leading up to the AGM is as follows: 6 – 18 Oct: Members can […]

Resolution Passed

The members have passed the “Extraordinary Resolution” sent out by the Committee on the 10th April 2020.  The resolution changes the wording of the Articles of Association to ensure we are correctly classified as a mutual and not subject to tax.  The detailed explanation of the changes and the […]