Tuesday: Pottery Demonstration

Pottery Demonstration – November 2019   We had a great open Tuesday evening recently with a talk and demonstration of the basics of pottery making by a professional ceramic potter – Cáit Gould. who appeared on BBC2’s Pottery Throwdown Competition. Her talk included, not only the basics of […]


This year’s Annual General Meeting will be at 8pm on Thursday 7th November.  All members should have recieved an email notice by now.  If you haven’t then tell a director as soon as possible.  This year’s meeting includes voting for directors, a minor change to our constitution and […]

Tadley Rememberance Day Memorial 2018

Basingstoke Makerspace recently helped Tadley Scouts and Tadley and District History Society, to produce a memorial for the fallen soldiers of Tadley. The background to this project started in early 2018, when a group of Tadley scouts, as part of a scouting explorer belt challenge, walked the length […]