Generating A Realistic Physical Statue.

For the last ten years, I have wanted to create a high-quality head and shoulder model of my wife, carved from a solid wooden block. The production of a sufficiently error-free 3D model of a real person capable of being provided to a CNC machine for 3D carving turned out to be much more difficult task than I expected,

I tried Photogrammetry, Gaussian splatting, and many internet websites to generate a good 3D model without meshing errors. I used X-box cameras, Raspberry Pi multiple cameras, and Lidar scanning to try to produce a high-resolution printable mesh.

Pop3 scanned head. Good quality but had insufficennt memory to scan whole head.


A £500 commercial Pop3 scanner came the closest to a decent contiguous mesh. While this works very well on rigid bodies, memory limits resulted in incomplete meshes whenever humans were scanned. I note that, the recent £250 Creality scanner uses similar-looking hardware with presumably more memory. The scan of my daughter that POP3 did produce was good but I never managed to scan a full head as it always ran out of memory before finishing the hair region.




AI produced mesh




In the last few weeks, AI came to the rescue, and I have been able to print a 3D model of my wife’s head and shoulders. I started with the picture at the head of this article picture and used the website to produce the following 3D mesh






The reulting rendered mesh had no errors whatsoever and had amazing resolution, see the details in the eyes and necklace.





Now with a reasonable mesh I used the Creality Ender 6 printer at the Makerspace to produce a 10 inch high PLA statue.

The next stage was to create a wooden relief of the statue. Here we see the the first roughing pass on the  X-Carve numerically controlled router.

Producing a final relief in wood. 

Making a cast of the PLA statue allowed Alan Green to create a pottery version

(Original small PLA version to the rear in white)

The final stage will be to find suitable wood to make a full size 3D statue in wood on the  X-carve. Watch this space!

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