Membership Sign-up Page

Join the Makerspace – become a member!

The Makerspace is a non-profit company. We rely on member contributions.

Our rent,  bills and facilities are paid from £25 per month member subscriptions.

  • Members have 24/7 access to the Makerspace.
  • Members have access to all tools, although for safety reasons the Makerspace may require basic training before use of some.
  • Members have access to free training, manuals and assistance for all the tools in the space.
  • A reasonable amount of communal material is available to use when making things.
  • Member-only User Groups and meetings dedicated to topics such as Photography, RaspberryPi, Artificial intelligence, Cosplay etc.
  • Existing members will provide help and advice for most projects.
  • All members have equal voting rights and we strongly encourage participation in the management of the makerspace.
  • You must be 18 years or older to become a Member


to become a member & set up monthly payment by GoCardless

Your payment is protected by the direct debit guarantee and may be cancelled on-line at any time.

Standard membership is £25 per month, additional adults living in the same house can join as full members for £10 per month.


We also welcome non-members to Tuesday Open Evenings and events.  Events include special presentations, Repair Cafes and Weekend Opendays and are held a few times a year (see the calendar)

Non members do not have access at other times or have any access to tools.

Our Makerspace